Sunday 11 July 2010

Day 249

Thoughts: California Becomes the First 'Cage-Free' Egg State

California Governor Schwarzenegger has signed legislation requiring that all whole eggs sold in that state come from hens that are able to stand up, extend their limbs, and spread their wings without touching either one another or the sides of the cage.

The legislation comes two years after the passage of Proposition 2, which improved the standards for the treatment of animals on factory farms.

Planet Green reports:

“Of course, the hens will still be kept in cages, so the ‘cage-free’ term is still a myth, but for the chickens in California, it will make a world of difference. And the law doesn't come into effect until 2015, but it's a certain sign of a positive future.”

Source Planet Green

In Food Inc. the filmmakers visit inside a chicken farm so Americans can see first hand what antibiotics and high-tech breeding are doing to the nation’s chickens. It used to take a chick three months to grow into adulthood, but with the chemicals put into the feed by the big industrialized food companies, the chicks grow in only 45 days and develop oversized breasts. Morison shows how it has affected the chickens - some of the chickens can no longer stand and die before they are brought to market.

To read more visit Blog Day 201 and Day 195.


Challenges: Truth is only as real as our delusion allows.

Triumphs: I picked the very first ripe tomato off the vine in my garden today! It is my first experience of planting something, producing something and then being able to eat it. Quite unique. :) I also had a nice light day - physically, and I ate entirely raw foods.

What I Ate Today:

Food fest 1: A beetroot (beet), carrot, celery, ginger juice!

Food fest 2: A avocado

Food fest 3: Another avocado mmm creamy!

Food fest 4: A orange and grapefruit juice so sweeeet!

Food fest 5: Green Spicy Avocado Salad - my favourite summer salad and yes I did have it yesterday as well!

Food fest 6: Strawberries while watching Paris Je t'aime

Recipe: Green Spicy Avocado Salad is available on


Exercise: a 1 hour bike ride - 30 minutes of it in the rain! Not by choice, and then I chose it and it was delightful and refreshing!

116 days to go!!!


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