Your name printed in the book! A special thanks and acknowledgment to YOU for being one of the first to purchase, support and focus on the ABUNDANCE of what earth has to offer! (Please know this is only available in the limited edition first print run if purchased between now and April 2012)
The Earth Diet BOOK will be released WORLDWIDE on June 15th at ALIVE New York 2012!
Electronic copies will be available from July 2012
About the book:
The Earth Diet was a concept created by Liana Werner-Gray in 2009 when she challenged herself to eat only foods from the earth for 365 days. She has put together this book that focuses on the abundance of what earth provides naturally "The Earth Diet".
Your complete guide to living a life using only ingredients that earth provides naturally and experiencing the kind of abundantly healthy life this brings!
Included in the book are chapters on:
Transitioning to eating what nature intended
Weight Loss on TED
Weight and Muscle Gain on TED
RECIPES for every eater, the rawist, vegan, vegetarians, fruitarian, meat eater, seafood eater, sweet lover and more!
A Cleanse Challenge with day to day recipes suggestions
Reducing chemicals from the body
CHOCOLATE! Recipes to make your own chocolate!
A full recipe section dedicated to 'Junk Food' on TED and recipes to all of your favourites like pizza, pasta, cheesecake and more!
Rejuvenation, Removing toxins from the body and Detoxification
A FULL list of foods naturally provided by Earth
Learn about Alkaline Foods
Living free from processed foods
Raw Foods
Digestive Enzymes
Increasing metabolism
Feeling GOOD and giving yourself permission to live in an abundance of health
Relieve bloated belly forever!
Natural Cures and Self Healing any disease! Recipes and remedies included
Look good - with natural alternatives for face masks, deodorants, and moisturizers
Have cravings, instead of cravings having you!
The Evolution of food
Eating Consciously
Mono and seasonal eating
A new relationship with food and your self
“I want to BUT I can’t” self doubt and the power of YOU
This is what Sarah and I have been up to the past week doing The Earth Diet! Below are some of our video blogs :) And you can always check out our daily uploads at The Earth Diet YouTube Channel
We are loving it, transformation already! Feeling much lighter, happier, healthier and vibrant :) Loving the energy I get from eating ONLY foods naturally provided by earth :) FULLNESS :) If you ever want to do TED you can...
Here are 3 ways to do The Earth Diet:
For free, begin now if you feel! Start to incorporate more earth foods into your lifestyle, including what you eat AND put ON your body! Just follow our blogs for suggestions for new recipes so you'll never get bored and variety is always flourishing!
Download one of the TED programs online and stick it out for the entire duration to really feel the affects of an abundantly healthy lifestyle!
Create a Personalized Program with one of us that is custom-made to suit you! We make it entirely to work for you including what your goals are, what kinds of foods to incorporate, natural cures, dessert everyday, detoxification and cleansing recipes, weight loss or gain recipes, natural skin care recipes, the amount of days we choose and so much more! :) This one is flexible designed only for you. Your health truly gets taken to the next level on a Personalized Program and we are there to be your support and mentors the entire time! :)
Hey guys! wow today is 11.11.11 !!! Day of alignment :)
I wanted to share with you guys of new happenings...
I started The Earth Diet again for FULL and REAL for 8 months of ONLY foods the earth provides naturally. This also means the stuff I put on my skin... I aim to only put on my skin what I could also eat, as the skin is another organ (the largest on the body!) so whatever is put on the skin it absorbs. So if we put chemicals on the skin it is absorbed and goes through to our organs and cells. So I am using coconut oil for skin moisterizer and hair treatments, organic tea tree shampoo and conditioner, organic mascara, organic toothpaste and baking soda for whitening, lemon for deodorant and some days none, bentonite clay for face masks and KORA Organics for face cleansing, mineral rocks for makeup, paw paw for hand cream and lip gloss! Wow there really is so much natural beautiful whole nutritious ingredients earth provides us with!
The reason for beginning TED 8 month challenge... was Sarah Mae! If you don't already know Sarah you will soon, she is amazing and so inspiring! She read TED everyday when I was writing blogs for the 365 challenge. Since then we have become close friends and wow now she is like a soul sister :) such a beautiful giving spirit who LOVES people and is here to spread her love and light everywhere! She is part of Mother Maehem which is her and her beautiful mum Sally (Love you Sally!!!) and they focus on music from their heart, whatever it is they are going through :) One of my favourite songs of there's is 'I am Not Alone' and 'ALIVE Song' ! Anyway Sarah came up with the idea that her and I do TED for 8 months from now until next June for ALIVE New York 2012! And so we are video blogging daily! Which is all new to me as I am being forced to open up and be real and honest with everything! I want there to be nothing off limits, no secrets from you guys at all!
Today is Day 8!
Here are our videos and experience from the beginning to now! Enjoy :)
Absolutely NECESSARY! HAHA :) The last 5 months for me have been film sets, fast foods, India and a mixture of The Earth Diet and processed foods! At this point I felt tired, bloated and sluggish so a good 8 months on straight earth foods I am so ready for! It has only been 8 days and I already feel a massive difference :) And my body has lost the 'fat weight' that was gained from fast foods. It just drops away especially in the first couple of weeks! All that unnecessary excess weight gone for good :) Juicing helps dramatically too for weight loss and detoxing :) Juicing video below :)
My first full body bentonite clay wrap! And loved it :) Betonite clay is so powerful and sucks the toxins right out! Its good for cancer, acne, veins, cellulite and any skin rash disease type illness...Read a blog on it here and all the benefits of it:
DAY 4 - in response to Sarah's doubts, fears and insecurities she expressed at the end of Day 4 above! DAY 5 above and DAY 6 and 7 below :)
ENJOY guys! :) HAVE a wonderful and the best day ever! If your not having the best day ever and it sucks just know you will soon be out of it! It never lasts and things always get better... they are... just hang on lol... the world is shifting! Humanity are waking up and becoming ALIVE and balance will be restored on the planet soon!
Love and light xoxoxooxoxox Liana Werner-Gray :)))
I am seeing more and more wherever I go of smiling people, people giving thumbs up and peace signs, people relaxing and enjoying their blissful experience! People seeming like they are really enjoying being them, and they are perfect just the way YOU are. It is here and it is happening all around us :)
The more i think about it the crazier it gets! so i stop thinking and here it is, what is left is an absolutely fully blissful relaxed amazing pure energy state that feels so natural, so clear, so true that even nature and esepcially birds are responding differently to YOU! It feels all interconnected... everyone is related, every human part of the same source, perhaps a light source. Don't get hungup on words here, they are just WORDS we use to express something but what we are getting at here is that YOU are absolutely perfect just the way you are. It doesnt matter what has been in your past... feel back to when you were a child, that pure energy light adventurer where anything was possible and DREAMS existed and were so COOL!
Everything is perfect and where it should be at this point in time. Next time will be something else :) Things are always unfolding. EVERYDAY we can see a new sunrise and WOW the light it brings to each day! Soon absolutely every moment will feel blissful and perfect for EVERYONE. It will feel weird to feel bad or sad or depressed or angry ... it feels so much more natural to be light and love, peace, abundant, expansive and ever unfolding creators of what it TRULY is that we want! What you want is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! Because it is YOU and you are absolutely perfect in every single way! you trust you and so does everyone else :)
Here's the SUNRISE from the morning of ONE DAY!!! I'm absolutely grateful that we were on top of this mountain this day with a CAMERA!!! haha ;) !
With love and peace infinite! :) Liana :)
My mission for the past few weeks has been to lighten up, relax, enjoy and have so much fun! :)))
It feels like bliss! And now I know what Joseph Campbell meant by "follow your bliss and the universe will open doors that were not." ...the unfolding of events each day are so fufilling and more moments are becoming RICH and full! :) Life gets better and better.
Bliss feels like everything is available to me and I am completely here and aware.
And there is evidence of it everywhere! :) Here's some I found and felt moved to share with you :)
On the best swing ever at South Bank with my sister Nadine! :)
If you want to feel good and get an amazing workout dance around to this tune! Lol I guarantee you will feel ALIVE after it! Allow your full self express to let loose ;) !!! Haha now I wish I was there to see you do it!
More and more movements like Thrive and ALIVE are being created! :)))
~ Simplicity and Balance in life ~ The synergistic alignment of mind, body and spirit ~ Focusing on the abundance of what the Earth provides naturally ~ Nourishing our bodies with an Organic Lifestyle ~ Awareness of the body's self-healing abilities ~ Igniting passions and embracing our uniqueness ~ Understanding our innate ability to create our own reality ~ Freedom to choose ~ Spreading Joy and Love ~ Education on alternative health and holistic treatments ~ Accountability of our thoughts, words and actions ~ Responsibility for the energy we bring into our environment ~ Sustainability of the environment ~ Living in a state of gratitude ~ Accessing a mindset of abundance ~ People and Companies who are dedicated to the expansion of the Health and Wellness industry
Smiling fufilled people everywhere you look! Even on Istock hehe!
This feeling of Bliss feels so good... like really good... like that joyous feeling I experienced as a child and how everything is an exciting unfolding new adventure. wow what a great time to experience life on earth and consciously create what ever it is we truly want to do.
This guy started a dance movement at a music festival! Love it! :))) ...It's all about the ENERGY :)
Flying high from today's workshop and updating Facebook status from 30,000 feet... just because it's possible! The technology of this time and space is truly a wonderful thing!
Source within you knows you are "magic" because you can find alignment at any time and then manifested reality will follow without fail!
You're supposed to feel bad when you're focused on the stuff you don't want. "You're supposed to feel good and you can - that's it!"
Most people put up with negative emotions because they're used to feeling them, but you don't know what you're missing by not being aligned with who-you-really-are.
When you feel less than bliss, you are focused on a lesser vibration than you - and your son - deserve.
An affirmation from Louise hay! "I create easily and effortlessly when I let my thoughts come from the loving space of my own heart." Louise L. Hay
Suzanne Sommers says "Today, I will work at remembering who I was as a child with all my dreams and fantasies, when the world and life in general was not filled with fear and limitations, before the wondering began and I allowed others and outside influences to convince me that I couldn’t do it. I will try to regain that wonderful feeling that I could do anything."
"When you look inside you, thats where the real truth is". - Dwayne Peachey
When the world comes to understand this great truth, we will be aware that all people are the same; they only appear to be different. - Bob Proctor
“There is no Healing Force Outside the Human body”~Dr Leonard Coldwell
Our energy is infectious! - Anna Scurry Making scumptcious food in the camp oven! Some beef with chopped potatoes, pumpkin, eggplant, zuchinni, onion and red wine in the fire for a couple of hours! mmm :)
And eating Raw Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups as usual! ;) ! The recipe is yours free at just ENJOY it fully!
On the ALIVE New York FACEBOOK page.... Does the idea of planting 18 billion trees sound exciting to you...? Hehe if so you can join David Wolfe's mission! David is the president and founder of 'The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation' (, a non profit organization with a mission to plant 18 billion fruit trees on plant earth! David's organization has planted, to date, tens of thousands of fruit trees from Africa to Canada, from India to Hawaii. Cool....
Enjoying when our bird friend comes over to visit!
Anthony captured the perfect shot of our bird friend! ;)
What a wonderful world this is! We live in the PERFECT times and PERFECT condition for what we need to do and where we need to be to experience what that feeling is that seems so true, so real, so pure and so fufilling on every single cellular level of all that exists, time as we know it stops and we feel that the entire universe is with us, for us, and how much of a difference we EACH make to this space, our energy is absolutely infectious! ... that feeling that we live for, you are the light and you are capable of creating what ever reality you choose, accept your power ;) mmm can you feel the freedom now? and it is available to us at every SINGLE moment! yehooo! ;) What a powerful reminder!
Sending love to you now! :) Do ya feel it? Hehe enjoy :))) see ya again soon! ;)
PS Tammy! Thank you for the comment on the sweet sugar blog, you are beautiful and I am excited to meet you one day when the timing is perfect! :)
Inspiration for this blog: ... for people to feel good :)))
Sugar is something most people like. It is consumed by most humans, in most parts of the world.
Sugar is produced in 121 Countries and global production exceeds 120 Million tons a year. Approximately 70% is produced from sugar cane, a very tall grass with big stems which is largely grown in the tropical countries. The remaining 30% is produced from sugar beet, a root crop resembling a large parsnip grown mostly in the temperate zones of the north.
In India I learned how sugar cane is processed into refined sugar and how that process changes the sugar molecular structure.
After sugar is extracted from sugar cane it then goes through a process of heating, melting and evaporation. Sugar is refined by pouring the sugar syrup over char filters; the impurities in the sugar that make it have color stick to the char filter and what comes out on the other side is the clear sugar syrup that turns into white refined sugar.
White refined sugar is an industrially processed chemical not found in nature.
Why should I eat less refined processed sugar?
400 years ago the only sugar available to man came naturally from earth, like honey and fruits. These kinds of whole foods containing natural sugar also contained complex carbohydrates which convert to energy relatively slowly. Refined sugar is a poisonous drug. The dictionary provides a definition of poison: “To exert a harmful influence on, or to pervert.” Dr Martin classifies refined sugar as poison because it has been depleted of its life forces, vitamins and nutrients. The body cannot effectively utilize this refined starch. When we eat sugar pyruvic acid accumulates in the brain and nervous system, and in the red blood cells. These metabolites interfere with the respiration of the cells. They can’t get sufficient oxygen to survive and function normally. In time some of the cells die which interferes with the functioning of the part of the body and is the beginning of degenerative disease.
Daily intake of sugar produces a continuously over acid condition and as a consequence minerals are then required from body tissues such as bones and teeth in order to compensate the acidic environment and rectify the imbalance. This is when decay and weakening begin. Excess sugar eventually affects every organ in the body.
Why does processed refined sugar make me gain weight?
In the liver, excess sugar is stored in the form of glucose (glycogen). Since the liver’s capacity is limited, a regular intake of refined sugar soon makes the liver expand. When the liver is filled to the max capacity, the excess glycogen is returned to the blood in the form of fatty acids. These fatty acids are then taken to every part of the body and stored as fat, usually in the most inactive areas like the belly, bottom, breasts and thighs.
There is a difference of physical appearance between people who eat refined processed sugar and people who don't...
Check out this before and after of Angi, who totally transformed her physical appearance by living a sugarless raw foods lifestyle. She took part of a Raw Transition program with The Garden Diet :) (Some might think The Garden Diet is a competition company to The Earth Diet - but I say we are all after the same health mission here and am very happy to promote the Talifero family! ;))
Sugar could be one of the most addictive substances, and is added to nearly 90% of processed and packaged food items. Sugar is in our soft drinks, fruit juices, sports drinks, and in almost all processed foods from tomato sauce, vegemite, bread, cheese and toothpaste. And now most infant formula has the sugar equivalent of one can of Coca-Cola, so babies are being metabolically poisoned from day one if taking formula.
It is obviously something we like, need and want for the make up of the human body.
I read this conversation on Saint Loius Sucre...
Why do I like sugar so much? Our sense of taste comprises four basic components known as ‘fundamental tastes’: sweet, salty, bitter and acid. From the earliest age, babies demonstrate a particular predilection for sweet milk, with which they associate the notion of pleasure. This predilection, which varies from person to person and depending on a subject’s social and cultural background, is reinforced by sugar’s sweetening effect, which imparts a sweet taste to many foods, thus heightening their taste. Indeed, for a long time, sugar was considered as a spice.
What is sugar from a nutritional point of view? Sugar, also known as sucrose, is a member of the glucides family. Together with lipids and amino-acids, it constitutes one of the three groups of nutrients that are vital to the human body. Glucides supply the energy required for the operation of the body. Simple glucides (glucose, fructose, lactose) contained in fruits have a characteristically sweet taste, unlike complex glucides (e.g. starch).
Elisha Yarrington!
Elisha a beautiful friend of mine writes a blog called "Mind, Body, Spirit" and has said this about sugar:
'Read these SIMPLE dot points about sugar, and what it does to YOU. Even if you only remember one of them, you may think twice next time you eat processed packaged food.. Remember knowledge is power.. Ignorance is bliss, we are evolving and growing into more intelligent, conscious being's so be OPEN to information that comes to you.. Read it. Analyze it. and Do your own research!
1. Sugar can suppress your immune system and impair your defenses against infectious disease 2. Sugar upsets the mineral relationships in your body: causes chromium and copper deficiencies and interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium. 3. Sugar can cause a rapid rise of adrenaline, hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in children. 4. Sugar can produce a significant rise in total cholesterol, triglycerides and bad cholesterol and a decrease in good cholesterol. 5. Sugar causes a loss of tissue elasticity and function. 6. Sugar feeds cancer cells and has been connected with the development of cancer of the breast, ovaries, prostate, rectum, pancreas, biliary tract, lung, gallbladder and stomach. 7. Sugar can cause many problems with the gastrointestinal tract including: an acidic digestive tract, indigestion, malabsorption in patients with functional bowel disease, increased risk of Crohn's disease, and ulceration colitis. 8. Sugar can cause premature aging. In fact, the single most important factor that accelerates aging is insulin, which is triggered by sugar.
There is no reason why you can't enjoy delicious, scrumptious, divine, lush desserts that are SWEET! Here are some of my favourite desserts on The Earth Diet that are sugar free... (and also dairy free & soy free!)
Raw Chocolate Ice Cream, ingredients are cashews, cacao, vanilla bean, agave/or dates and water! Recipe HERE!
Anzac Biscuits! Recipe is in my blog this week at KORA Organics by Miranda Kerr HERE!
Raw Chocolate Peanut Butter cups! Ingredients are: Cacao, Cacao Butter, Almonds, Peanuts and Agave! Recipe HERE! They are part of The Earth Diet food line that is available in New York, and stocked daily at Organic Corner!
All recipes on The Earth Diet are sugar free! :) for free recipes :)
What other affects does sugar have on the body? When the areas of the belly, bottom, breasts and thighs are filled with fat, fatty acids are then distributed among active organs like the heart, liver ad kidneys. These organs begin to slow down and finally these tissues degenerate and turn to fat. The entire body is then affected by their reduced ability and so high blood pressure results as a consequence. The autonomic nervous system is then affected as processed sugar is a powerful stimulator of the sympathetic branch of the nervous system. The circulatory and lymphatic system is also invaded and then the quality of the red blood cells begin to change.
When you ingest processed sugars the body responds by releasing insulin, a hormone that reduces blood sugar levels and commonly results in a blood sugar crash, or hypoglycemic state. The body must then respond to this immediately as if not the brain will run out of blood sugar to operate on and you’ll go into a coma. This emergency situation results in the release of powerful stress hormones, one of which is cortisol. In the midst of all this, most people respond to the hypoglycemic, or low-blood sugar state by drinking coffee, soda or something sweet. The body craves sweet. This starts the entire process all over again :-/ After a while your body becomes insensitive to insulin. This is the first step towards diabetes. And also an accumulation of fat around the midsection.
The constant hormonal roller coaster also overworks the adrenal glands and they finally become exhausted by producing excessive cortisol. When the hormonal system becomes unbalance like this pathological conditions soon manifest like degenerative disease, allergies, obesity, alcoholism, drug addiction, depression, behavioral problems, kidney disease, liver disease, bone loss, tooth decay, colon cancer, diseases of malnutrition and more.
Why can I eat so much sugar and not feel full and just keep eating?
When you ingest sugar your taste buds know ‘sweet stuff has arrived’ and to the brain means ‘nutrition has arrived’. When the sugar reaches the small intestine the receptors find no nutrition sending a message to the brain ‘We’ve been tricked there’s no nutrition here’. The appestat (the part of your brain that that triggers satiety) sends the message to keep eating because we need nutrition to help process all of this fake food and run your body. Sugars and artificial sweetners have been found by researchers to be neurotoxins that can damage the brain and nervous system.
Some foods don’t say ‘sugar’ on the label, but I know it is there because it is so artificially sweet… why is this?
Food manufacturers are aware of increased awareness of the affects of sugar and so sometimes disguise the use of sugar in the food. Instead of saying ‘sugar’ they list the ingredients as sucrose, glucose, arabinose, maltose, dextrose, fructose, galactose, arabinose, ribose, xylose, deoxyribose, lactose, trehalose or cane sugar. Anything with ‘ose’ at the end indicates sugar use.
Should I drink fruit juices? Only if they are freshly squeezed or you make them yourself. Much of the marketing hype around fruit juices is that they are healthy, when actually they are laden with sugar which is needed to preserve the juice.
If you want to learn about the damage caused by sugary food check out the video below with Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology who explores that fructose (too much) and fiber (not enough) appear to be cornerstones of the obesity epidemic through their effects on insulin.
One of the endless possibilities inside The Earth Diet is replacing processed and refined sugars, to sugars that are provided whole & naturally by the earth - like sugar cane! Have you ever sucked the sweetness out of one of those things - it's like beautiful crisp sweetness mmm :) And pineapple, and honey, cherries, nectarines, apples, sweet sweet lichees, peaches, ooh grapes, oranges, SWEET potatoes, and mandarins or clementines as some say, water melon and this list could go on and on and there are fruits I am sure I haven't even heard of yet!
The Earth Diet replaces processed sugars with sweets that the earth provides naturally :) The healthiest sugar alternatives are:
1. Honey is great for immune function. If honey has been pasteurized or filtered it is not ‘food’ just a by-product so make sure it is unprocessed and unfiltered. You won’t be able to see through it and it will have chunks of bees wax. Avoid cooking with honey as it is not heat stable and can create toxins when heated to high for to long. 2. Dates - a sweet simple snack! Blend them with walnuts in a food processor and roll them into balls! :) 3. Maple Syrup - extracted from the Maple Tree 4. Agave - extracted from the Agave cactus (also makes Tequila!) 5. Fruit! Eat a piece of fruit when you have a craving for sugar...suddenly that impulse to go for processed sugars, lollies/candy, chocolate etc won't be as strong!
6. Stevia is a herb and about 100 sweeter than sugar. Stevia is also known to balance blood sugar levels and is a great alternative for sweetner in tea and coffee.
Resources include only highly respected health professionals that all have the same intention for global human health rather than for profit. These people included Paul Chek, Dr Martin, The Safe Shopper’s Bible, Harvard Medical School, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Kevin Trudeau and findings that I have come to find true and authentic since I began The Earth Diet lifestyle. –Liana Werner-Gray